Sunday, August 3, 2008


I have to share this gorgeous sunflower I have in my backyard. I planted several sunflowers this year and only 3 (2 are pictured here) came up. I have to say they are really pretty though.
Good morning sleepy head.....

5 Sweet Comments:

Anonymous said...

hi! thanks for stopping by and entering to win this weeks' giveaway on the pink potpourri. i have weekly giveaways, so be sure to put me on your favorites list, and come back every weekend to enter to win!

i also noticed that you have some great items on your etsy business! if you are ever interested in donating one of your items for a giveaway, and having your etsy page featured, please email me!

t said...

I've never seen a pink flower like this before, it's amazing! - Your sunflower is so pretty too :)

Becca Nelson said...

Wow, that's a beautiful sunflower! I wish so much that our yard was large enough for me to plant things. I guess I'll have to settle for the pots on my deck. :) Thanks for the link to your blog!

Unknown said...

Those really are beatiful! I can't wait until I can have a garden filled with flowers! I've always had a love for sun flowers, especially!

Amy Clary said...

I heart sunflowers SO much. These pics are gorgeous. Your blog is very nice. I'll make it a point to stop by again soon.

(visiting from MBC)

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