You FREAKED me out. I try not to be rude to people, and would normally help people out, but you were WEIRD and really creeped me out. Next time you need advice on what to purchase for your 'friends 5th anniversary' call your mom.
Woman all alone at the store trying to pick a few things up.
Dear Amy,
I had a great time yesterday. Thanks for inviting me.
=) Melon
Dear Mom & Dad,
THANK YOU sooooo much for having the kids this week. We truly appreciate it!
Love, your grateful daughter!
Dear Jeff,
I had a wonderful time at Disney World. It was so much fun getting our silly on. Those Epcot Margaritas are so yummy. I can not wait to do it again.
Dear Ian,
I have truly LOVED looking through the photos from our trip. You crack me up!
Love Mom
Dear Lily,
I am sorry you hurt yourself so many times at Disney. Not my favorite moments either. I am glad you are such a trooper and bounced back so fast. :D
Love Mommy.
{On the day we arrived at Disney World, Lily had scraped up her leg pretty bad when she was trying to get onto the Disney Transportation Bus on the way to our first park. We definitely held her hand getting on all buses after that.}
Dear Stitch,
Huge Huge Huge FAN.
{all of the photos on this post were taken at Epcot on our first day at Disney}

If you would like to see more Dear So & So's and/or participate check out 3 Bedroom Bungalow.