If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.
~ John Quincy Adams
Last Friday Lily's school had their monthly Read & Lead. Parents are welcome and Jeff & I have not attended yet.
We were planning on attending this month to check it out and then Lily brought home a sheet of paper stating she was going to be the "shout out sign holder". Well we definitely had to go then. She was so excited we both came.
Poor girlies arms were really tired and shaking a bit when carrying that sign back and forth. Bad planning by the person who made that sign...they really needed to put the stick in the middle. O_o
They also announced the
PTA reflections winners. Lily was one of them. Her piece was sent on to the next round.
I am super proud.
I would love to tell you what she did...but I do have to admit, I have NO IDEA. While I remember reading the paperwork that was sent home about the program, I have not seen what she made. I have asked Lily what she made/did and she is really no help. (Which made it hard to fill out the portion on the paperwork that said, explain what you made.) I tried asking the people on the school office last Monday (after I was congratulated by another mom for Lily's accomplishment...she heard it on the morning announcements) and they had no idea either. Which I find odd because they are the ones that did the announcements a few hours before I asked them about it. They were able to tell me that they were planning on having a Reflections Reception in Feb/Mar. I guess I will see it then. :D