Saturday, August 16, 2008

I Want One Of These

I would love this new camera strap from tanyBug's etsy shop. Most of my friends and family know how much I love to take pictures and scrapbook. As a child my father took lots of pictures of my sister and I with his Kodak 35 millimeter camera. When my son was born 7 years ago my parents came up and they let me use their camera. I took some beautiful pictures. After they left, I was stuck using my cheaper camera and boy there is a difference. I talked my husband into buying a nice 35 millimeter camera with an extra telephoto lens. Since then I have taken beautiful pictures of my family and even pictures for a wedding. I love taking my camera everywhere. Yes, I am still using film. I only use my digital camera for my blog/etsy site. My husband likes to call our outings photo ops. I still have the original camera strap that came in my camera kit. Oh yeah, my old camera strap has even been spit up on by my son.

7 Sweet Comments:

Anonymous said...

thank you! I love the little story you wrote for this post!

ZENABU said...

I love her camera straps too. They are so beautiful. Very talented lady.

Christi S said...

That is beautiful!! If I could ever remember to actually develop film, I'd still use it too!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! You are the Name That Chocolate Dessert Winner for August! "Window to Heaven" received the most votes! Please send your mailing address to The Chocolistas as soon as possible.


Deborah for The Chocolistas

Anonymous said...

Yeah... spit up might be a good way to get another strap. Hilarious!

kim* said...

id like to start scrapbooking, i have so many photos i want to print out.

Ashley Newell said...

That's so pretty!

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