Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Wordful Wednesday - Obsession

Now that we are counting down, let the outfit collecting and making commence.  I did the same thing for our last trip to Disney. 

My mom is making Lily a dress out of this pillowcase I bought.  I can NOT wait to see it!!  Thank you mom!  :D
Actually I have been collecting clothes for our Disney trip for a few months now.  I know I am crazy, but I like to be prepared.  ^_^

For more WW check out 5 Minutes for Mom, Seven Clown Circus  Parenting by Dummies, Project Alicia,, The InfoMouse & Fresh Mommy.
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9 Sweet Comments:

Deb @ Focused on the Magic said...

What a great idea! So cute! Lily will look every bit the princess on your next trip!
Thanks for sharing and for linking up to the hop!

Liz Mays said...

Now that is going to be so cute when it's ready!

Disney Day by Day said...

Aww how cute will that be! Thanks for sharing!

Onna said...

This is so super cute! And such a creative idea!

Lisa said...

The Tangled dress is going to be so cute - what a creative idea! I'm always so impressed by people who are able to make things.

Run DMT said...

You're coming to Disney again this year? We need to meetup!

I can't wait to see the pillowcase dress. That sounds adorable.

Ms POSH said...

I've done the same thing- it's not crazy.

Have a great WW!

JM said...

Hope you guys have a wonderful time!

Heather Michelle said...

Are you going to Orlando? We should meet up, I'm in st Petersburg!

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