Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Wordless Wednesday - Community Days

On Saturday both of my children marched in our West Seneca Community Days' Parade.  Last year Ian marched with the Cadet Band.  This year Ian marched with the West Seneca High School Marching Band and Lily marched with her softball team.

We dropped Ian off really early at the school.  They practice for a couple hours before they step off.  It was a warm steamy one here on Sat.  Thankfully there was a breeze. 

First we saw Ian.
He is the one with the white tuba in the back left...
(the brass sousaphone is too heavy right now, so he is using a fiberglass one.)

And then they were gone.
Then we waited to to see the Cadet Band, but before they reached us their were a few pretty cool pipers.

Then the Cadet band.  Ian was a tiny bit sad he didn't march with them one more time and was worried about leaving his fellow tuba player to be all alone.  
After they passed us, we decided to walk down the street and catch up with Lily.  I was a bit nervous because when Jeff dropped her off 15 minutes before the parade was going to start only a couple people were there.  Leaving my 6 year old in the midst of chaos just made me a wee bit uneasy.  Of course she was fine.  I was shocked there wasn't more kids.  Her team had the most show up, which was 5. 
They both had a great time marching in the parade. 

For more WW check out 5 Minutes for Mom, Seven Clown Circus,  Parenting by Dummies, Project Alicia,  Focused on the Magic & Fresh Mommy.

My Signature


  1. I love parades, and it's even more fun to watch them when I have children in them.

    Thanks for linking up over at Tales of a Pee Dee Mama


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