Thursday, June 27, 2013

Kindergarten Celebration

A week ago Tuesday (June 18th) was Lily's Kindergarten Celebration.  It was the second to last day of school.
The kids looked so cute up there.  Lily's class is the one on the left.
The kids sang songs which were adorable.  Here is one of them.

Then the kids were called one by one to receive their certificates.
After we had cake and juice in the cafeteria.
We are super proud of you sweetie!  You did a great job this year. 
Thank you Mrs. DuCotey for an amazing year.  You did an amazing job and Lily LOVED your class. 

My Signature

1 comment:

  1. Awww, how nice. I really wish our kindergarten did something like this. They do this huge thing for the 5th graders going off to the middle school, but absolutely nothing for the kindergartners who go to the elementary school.


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