Sunday, June 2, 2013

Sunday Citar - Beautiful

“Some people look for a beautiful place, others make a place beautiful.”~ Hazrat Inayat Khan

On Friday afternoon I had the pleasure of taking photos of a friend's daughter before she went to the prom.  She looked absolutely stunning. 
She definitely looked like a princess on her way to the ball. 

Look at all that crinoline! 

Sigh....this sweetheart was Ian's age when I met her and her family.  Now she is 18 and graduating from high school.  Her little brother is one of Ian's best friends.  Where does time go?

Thank you for stopping by Sunday Citar! This blog quote meme was created by Fresh Mommy. You can stop by her blog to see the quotes and photos that she and everyone else is loving right now.

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  1. Beautiful pictures and your friend's daughter is really charming. As you said, like princess getting ready to the ball. :) I know, kids just grow up too fast. Thanks for sharing these lovely pictures.

  2. She is absolutely lovely and she DOES look like a princess in that dress. They grow up so fast......sigh.


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