Monday, June 3, 2013

Looking Up and Looking Ahead.

As of last Friday afternoon, I am no longer working for the company that hired me this past Feb.  Shortly after being hired they went through some internal changes and it has been a bumpy ride.  I was let go because of circumstances beyond my control.  Sadly I, along with a few other IT employees, were laid off.  I am grateful for the last 4 months and the importunity they gave me.  I am also VERY grateful my husband still works for the company. 

While I wish I were still working there, the glass is definitely still half full.  :)

My Signature


  1. I'm sorry it didn't work out, but so very glad your husband still has his job. Wishing good things for you with another company (if you choose that route!) :)

  2. Yeah, shoot. Being laid off isn't usually a good thing. But great attitude about it Melanie! Good luck if you're going to be pursuing new employment. ;)

  3. I got laid off from my job last June, but they ended up taking me back part time last September. It was perfect timing because I had the whole summer off - worry free - with my boys!

  4. You have an amazing attitude and you are a blessing to those who gain from your strength. God bless you and your family.

  5. This leaves you open to exploring things you never thought about!


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