Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Wordful Wednesday - Birthday Dinner

Jeff's favorite place for Beef on Weck (other than his mom's) is a place called Bar Bill...

So for his birthday yesterday we went there for dinner.  We went early because they get busy during normal lunch and dinner time.
It's in a suburb of Buffalo called East Aurora.
The food is yummy.  I personally am not fond of their service, but the beef on weck totally makes up for it. 


(For those of you who do not know what Beef on Weck is a hot roast beef sandwich on a Kimmelweck bun.  A Kimmelweck bun is a bun with caraway seeds and kosher salt.  It is a Western New York thing.)

For more WW check out 5 Minutes for Mom, Seven Clown Circus,  Parenting by Dummies, Project Alicia, The InfoMouse , Focused on the Magic & Fresh Mommy.   

My Signature


  1. No clue what a weck is, but glad you guys enjoyed the food.

  2. Now I need to add that to my must try list!

  3. So glad you told me what weck was. I was wondering! Happy birthday to him!


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