Thursday, March 7, 2013

Cleaning Cobwebs

Sunday we spent most of the day cleaning up one corner of our basement.  Our basement is partially finished and there is a desk down there that Jeff has been working at it for the last year.  Well since he has been training me over the last couple months he brought his computer upstairs.  I decided Sunday was a perfect day to clean his corner of the world.  The desk's contents really needed a good purge.  I had already threw out a bunch of old floppies after taking the info off of them before when we got rid of the last computer that could use them.

Going through the desk I found a bunch of old photos on CD's (when you used to get film developed you could opt to purchase a CD in addition to the prints).  I love unearthing things like that.

These 2 were taken 3 days after Lily was born.  (Dec. 17th, 2006)

These 2 were taken Christmas Eve 2006.  Ian is 5 1/2 and Lily is 10days old in these.

I also found many more photos that I can't wait to scan in.  :)

My Signature


  1. Awwww - great pictures. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Look at all this precious!!!!! Love.

  3. Oh my goodness ... she has been a little doll since day one!!!


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