Saturday, December 22, 2012

Tuba Christmas

This is the last year with Ian's music instructor and he wanted me to make her a special ornament for Christmas.  How could I say no?  She is a lovely woman and pretty much the reason my son LOVES to play. 

"Have a Very Merry Tuba Christmas" 

Let me explain the Tuba Christmas thing...

Last year I read an article posted on the Disney Blog about how Tuba Christmas was coming to Disneyland.  I had never heard of such a thing.  I showed the article to Ian and then looked further into it and sure enough they have one here in Buffalo every year, too.  Ian said that someday he would like to play in it.  When he heard about it told everyone about Tuba Christmas.  Now his nickname in band is Tuba Christmas.  ;)

My Signature


  1. That is adorable!!

  2. She's gonna LOVE it because it has special meaning! That's awesome!

  3. What a lovely and thoughtful gift! Wishing you and your family a Merry Christmas! Much peace and joy.


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