Thursday, December 20, 2012

Lily's Birthday - Part 2

When we got home from our trip to Canada on Fridat, Lily had presents to open. 

First she opened Nana & Papa's presents.  She had to call and talk to Nana to tell her she LOVED her new scarf that she made.
Lily LOVES talking on the phone.

Last year Lily had bought Jingle the Husky Pup after Christmas with her own money.  They are an interactive stuffed animal and book Hallmark sells. (The dog reacts with noises when you read certain phrases in the book.)  She carried that dog around forever!  This year we gave Lily the new Bell Husky Pup.

Along with the extra book to read (that works with both puppies).
Glad she had a wonderful 6th birthday!!

My Signature

1 comment:

  1. She's all girl, huh? She's only 6 and she already loves talking on the phone LOL :)

    Glad she had a great birthday!


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