Friday, December 7, 2012

Dear So & So Friday

Dear Ian,
I almost spit my drink out the other morning when I saw you dancing "Gangnam Style" at all of the cars going by while you were waiting for the bus. 
Shaking my head in disbelief....questioning my relationship to you.

Dear Lily,
Thank you for being so excited to put up decorations!  It warmed my heart to see your expression when you saw the tree was up and ready to be decorated. 
Grateful for your motivation.  :)

Dear Jeff,
Sorry about your computer keyboard.  It was really an accident.

Dear Neighbor (across the street),
We absolutely LOVE all of your decorations for all of the holidays.  The kids squeal in delight every time you change them.  It's precious watching Lily look out the windows at them every evening.  :)
Thank you!  Your grateful neighbor.  :)

My Signature


  1. LOL!!! We do Gangnam Style as our warm up in my zumba class (we do the dance in the video), so I showed my boys the video and they do the dance all the time, too!!

  2. I had to research gangnam style so that I could imagine what was going on at the bus stop. Bahaha. I love your neighbors light display too! So old school. Makes me wish that we decorated the house with lights.


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