Saturday, December 8, 2012

Christmas Tree 2012

With our new furniture and the fact we have a tiny house, we had to re-think where our Christmas tree would go this year. Usually it goes in the front window.  Jeff was skeptical that it would fit in the corner where I wanted to put it. Silly man, one day he will stop doubting my packing ability.
YAY!  It fit!  Lily was so excited to see the tree up when she came home from school. The kids put all of their ornaments on it and then Lily added a bunch of mine.

Oh and yes, your eyes are not deceiving you....I have a huge tuba case in my living room.  ;)
Then Lily & I added the snowflakes my mom made me.  She crocheted me 101 different snowflakes.  Lily wanted to add all of them and we did. 

I just noticed my angel is a bit crooked...oops, I will have to fix her.  My mom made me my angel as a bridal shower present.  My mom is one talented crafty lady. 
I usually put up my snowman houses and scene on my entertainment center, but decided against it this year.  I opted to add a couple winter pieces instead along with my winter terrarium.
 I also always put up my mini tree.  (Mom, this is my new cabinet.) 
I had a smaller cabinet there before and I was looking for something a bit taller and with lots of drawers (that didn't look like a filing cabinet).  When I saw this at Hobby Lobby I knew it was perfect.  I love love love all the drawers!!  I store Lily's hairbows in a couple drawers.  Better yet, Jeff stopped putting his 'junk' on top of my entertainment cabinet...he has his own drawer and he uses it!!
Ok, back to my tree....
My mini tree is full of mini Disney Hallmark ornaments I have collected over the years.  (I have not seen any new mini ones in a few years) along with a mini Disney train that I also bought at Hallmark eons ago.  (The angel on top is also an ornament my mother made.)
Have you put up your tree yet?
My Signature


  1. Both your trees are just lovely! Merry Christmas and have a great holiday season!

  2. Oh I just love your tree. It's beautifully decorated and looks so festive!

  3. Everything looks great! Perfect spot for your tree ... you get to enjoy it from so many angles! (I am LOVING your little winter clay scene in the apothecary jar ... SO darling!)


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