Saturday, July 6, 2013

Celebrating the 4th

This year we went to my brother-in-laws to celebrate the 4th.  Everyone had a great time.
Hope everyone had a wonderful holiday!
Sadly we didn't go see any fireworks as a family.  But that is ok, the kids were pooped out after a fun day of running around and swimming.  Jeff & I did end up watching some fireworks from our porch.  Seems that many people in our neighborhood like to set them off.  :)

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  1. What a fun celebration you had. We did end up at fireworks on Thursday night, but boy were my boys exhausted yesterday morning!

  2. looks like fun! your kids are getting soooo big!
    have a great weekend

  3. That's melting me a little bit to see the kids hugging. So , so sweet!


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