Saturday, June 8, 2013

Zombie Night at the Ball Park

Last night Ian was supposed to march with Cadet Band at the Bison's game.  Unfortunately they cancelled the performance because last night's game was changed to a double header to make up for cancelling the game the day before.  (It rained like cats and dogs here.)

A friend of Ian's asked him to go to the game.  He went with their family and had an amazing time.  They sent me these photos of the kids having fun.
They had free zombie face painting.

Scary zombies (hobos) lurking under the highway.

My Signature


  1. That is AWESOME!! My kids love all things zombie - and honestly, I do, too! Great pictures!!! It looks like it was a fun time.

  2. Thanks so much for coming out and helping us try to break the zombie gathering world record


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