Saturday, May 11, 2013

Spring Flowers

In the fall I finally remembered to plant new bulbs.  I had been meaning to do it for the last couple years.  I planted some bulbs when we moved into this house, but they do not produce many flowers anymore.  I picked hyacinths and ruffle tulips this time.  Loved the hyacinths.  They were so pretty. 

I still love the little grape hyacinths.  I still get a few that come up. (I planted these when we moved into the house).
Lily took a mini bouquet of flowers to her teacher last week.  ;)

The tulips are really pretty, too.  Now if I just remember to get some pictures of those.  ;)
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  1. They're just so lovely, and I'll bet they smell wonderful!

  2. LOVE this! It was such a lousy winter this year that we all deserve to see such pretty flowers outside!

  3. These are beautiful shots. I love when flowers start popping up!!

  4. Those are gorgeous! I love all the flowers. Ours here still aren't blooming much, but summer arrived yesterday - literally - and they'll all be popping up soon!


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