Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Wordless Wednesday - Twilight Sparkle

No surprise that we love My Little Ponies.

I still have my old ones from when I was a kid.  (or I should say Lily now has them)

Last weekend I finally tried my hand at making one.

Lily's favorite is Twilight Sparkle when she is a Alicorn. (both unicorn & pegasus)

For more WW check out 5 Minutes for Mom, Seven Clown Circus,  Parenting by Dummies, Project Alicia, The InfoMouse , Focused on the Magic & Fresh Mommy.
My Signature


  1. This is so darling! You amaze me that you get such smooth lines (and little rolls of dough) on such a tiny object! And I love that Lilly likes all the girlie girl toys! I was just like that!

  2. It turned out absolutely amazing.


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