Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Wordful Wednesday - Lily's New Pony

On Saturday we went to Build a Bear for a My Little Pony party.
While waiting Lily made friends.
This is what big brother's do while waiting.  :)
 She had been talking about making her pony all week. 
She chose to make Rainbow Dash.
I was a sucker and said yes to the "music".  ;)
While they waited patiently to get their ponies stuffed, they brushed their pony's hair, played a pony trivia game, colored and made some cutie marks with hearts. 

I hope they come out with more ponies to make.  Lily absolutely LOVES her's. 
Lily had a great time and has been carrying her pony around all week.
With that said....for the future though we will not go to one of build a bear 'just for fun' parties.  With having reservations and only taking a few kids, I thought they would have had or done something more special than make a bunch of young kids wait and hand out poorly cut printed paper bracelets to color.  That part was pretty lame.  We really wouldn't have missed anything by going and making our pony during the week.  Just my thoughts on the whole thing.  (This is NOT a sponsored post, build a bear does not know who I am.  These are just my own opinions.)

For more WW check out 5 Minutes for Mom, Seven Clown Circus,  Parenting by Dummies, Project Alicia, The InfoMouse , Focused on the Magic & Fresh Mommy.

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  1. I really wish we didn't have to go to Buffalo to enjoy Build-a-Bear. Zoe would go crazy for a pony!

  2. What a fun day she had, huh? Great pictures - and what a good big brother for waiting while she did it.

  3. I had no idea these even existed! Love that they have actual hair too. My kids will be so excited to discover these (I feel like I need to make up a reason to treat them to these!).


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