Saturday, April 6, 2013

Wooden Letterpress Drawer

Since buying the new couch last year, the wall in the corner has been empty.  (There used to be a corner cabinet in the space prior to getting the new sectional.)  I finally figured out what I wanted to put over there recently.
I bought a Wooden Letterpress Drawer.  I looked in a couple local antique malls, but didn't find one, so ebay to the rescue. 
Yesterday Jeff went to Home Depot to buy some hanging hardware for me.  (Which is huge....he isn't a fan of the old drawer being put on the wall.  But what makes me happy makes him happy.)
Loving the new space.  It needed some freshening up. 
I collect polymer clay Rapunzels.  I haven't up until now had a place to put them.  (Now my daughter wants one for her room for her little nick-knacks) 
Now just to keep it real.  My daughter had cleaned up the living room for me the day I decided to hang this (Thursday).  Not because I had planned on taking photos, just because she needed to put her stuff away.  So Friday morning this is what it looked like when I woke up and came downstairs....
My daughter has a stuffed animal issue....and yes that is an empty box of pop-ems on the coffee table.  ;)
And this is how she was watching cartoons after lunch on Friday...yep still in her nightgown hanging out with her friends. ;)

My Signature


  1. LOVE it! I am fortunate enough to have two! One I have downstairs full with little treasures from all over the world, and some I've had since I was a girl. The one upstairs I converted into a jewelry holder - thanks to some 'pinspiration'!! And yay for keeping it real....looks like a place I'd want to hang out!

  2. That's beautiful! It looks awesome up on your wall, too!


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