Saturday, April 27, 2013

The Magic of a Moment

A couple weeks ago, there was a Reflections reception at Lily's school.  We had been told by Lily in December that she won, but really had no idea what the whole thing was about. 
We finally saw her artwork.  The theme was "The Magic of a Moment".  She drew a picture of the two of us.  I LOVE my earrings.  She added my second earring.  ;)  (I never thought she even noticed that one of my ears is double pierced.)  She even added her birthmark to her face. 
The PTA chose 2 kids from each grade and then sent on entries for each level (certain grades are combined) and Lily's was chosen in her level to move on. 
 Lily was soooo excited her teacher was there.  She handed out roses to the winners.  :)
Lily loved the fact she received 2 roses, 2 certificates & 2 ribbons....and even took home a balloon.  She was on cloud 9.
I also have to add that we went to the school's Annual Student Recognition Dinner on Thursday.  Lily was chosen by her teacher as a student leader because all of her hard work she has done this school year.  WTG, Lily!  Keep up the good work!!

My Signature


  1. Proud mama! WTG Lily your drawing is fantastic. She must have been so thrilled.

  2. Awwww - great job! What a proud mamma you must be!

  3. No wonder you are proud. This is fabulous stuff!


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