Monday, April 1, 2013

Easter Sunday

Once the kids could go find where the Easter Bunny hid their baskets, they were off and running.
(We made them wait until we were up.)

Lily found her's first.  It took Ian a bit longer to find his. 

All cleaned up and ready to go to grandma's & grandpa's house.

PS....Lily really liked her new big eye lamb the Easter Bunny brought her.
Hope you had a wonderful Easter.
My Signature


  1. So very sweet, those two are! That big-eyed lamb is adorable!

  2. I'm happy to see another family that hides baskets! The kids look fab, love her dress!

  3. Wonderful photos - looks like the kids had a great Easter!

  4. I only recently stopped hiding my kids baskets ... since my baby is 18 now. I LOVED doing that for them. So fun! The kids look super cute and Springie in their Easter outfits. Lilly's dress is adorable.


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