Saturday, March 30, 2013


Yesterday Lily & I had a mommy & me day.  Our whole family went to the mall and while daddy & Ian went to the movies to see Gi Joe, Lily & I hung out and shopped.  We had such a great time together.  It's something I haven't done in a while and I am so glad I did.  Lily kept repeating she was having a great time just us 'girls'.  

We checked out lots of stores and when we went into Build A Bear (which was a zoo) we saw these 2 My Little Ponies sitting on the checkout counter.
Turns out our store here in Buffalo is having a My Little Pony Party next Saturday.  Lily is beyond excited!!  I signed her up (you have to RSVP to attend) and she can not wait to make a Rainbow Dash.  (That is the one she decided she wants to make.)

I guess not all stores are having the My Little Pony party.  I called my sister and her's isn't (she lives outside of Pittsburgh).  The stores are selling the ponies beginning April 1st.  

My Signature


  1. Ooooh, those My Little Ponies are cute. She'll have a blast!

  2. That's so neat that you happened to find out about that party!


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