Thursday, March 14, 2013

St. Patrick's Day Wreath

I found this pin on pinterest the other day and decided to make something similar yesterday.  I am not sure who made the original wreath....looks like someone culled the images.  :(

Onto the supplies.

I already had the wreath form.  I had purchased it from the dollar store a while ago for a different project.  
I went to my local Joannes to grab some yarn.  I found this 'glitter eyelash' yarn (by Martha Stewart) on clearance for $2.97 a skein.  I choose this one because it has a sparkle all through it.  Sparkle makes everything better.  ;)
I purchased 4 skeins not knowing how many I needed for the project.  The yarn itself is pretty thin.  I ended up only using a little under 2 skeins.
I bought a 1/2 yd of the daisy embellishments with a 40% off coupon.  (I could have purchased a spool of it, but I didn't want that many daisies.)

To make the wreath, you just wrap and wrap and wrap the yard around the wreath form.  I wrapped the yarn in the ball before doing this.  While it takes some time to do first, I found it made it easier to wrap the form.  (Take that from someone who is usually lazy when it comes to things like that....)

While wrapping (which takes a while) I just kept thinking, this would be a cute St. Patrick's Day wreath. ;) 
 Then a lightbulb St. Patrick's pins would look cute stuck in it. 
I had already put my Easter pins in the terrarium and this is a perfect place for the St. Pat's ones. 
Now I need to add some ribbon and hang it.  :)

After Sunday, I am going to take out the St. Patrick's Pins and pin the daisies all over it to make it springy. 

{That's if I can get the wreath back from Lily...shortly after making it she asked me to take out the pins because she wanted to play with it....between wearing it as crown and using it for her ponies, I may never get it back...glad I have supplies to make a second.}

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  1. I love that you can change it out so easily from holiday to everyday spring.

  2. She started wearing it as a crown? LOL!!!!!!

  3. Newest follower here! I found you through the blog hop. You have a super cute blog, I can't wait to read more. You can find me at


  4. This was the wreath I wanted to make but could not find the materials. I ended up making a green tulle wreath. I love yous! Thanks for linking up to Talkin’ About Thursday link party. I hope you will come back this week too!


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