Friday, March 22, 2013

Scrap & Spa 2013

A week ago I went on my annual scrap & spa trip.  My friends & I have been going to scrap & spa for almost 10yrs now. About 3 years ago I switched to digital scrapbooking.  While I miss the ease of printing rolls of film and cropping them, I love being able to take more photos.  This was the 1st year I got lots of pages done.  I spent most of my time scrapbooking this year's photos.   

These shots were taken on Main St in Magic Kingdom in the hat shop (they are just a few of the photos I scrapbooked). The old fashioned phone is so much fun!!  Not to mention trying on the ears.  ;)

My Signature


  1. Great pictures! I am so behind on my scrapbooking - I could definitely use a weekend away to work on them.

  2. Love these pictures! I always wanted to start scrapbooking, but still haven't.

  3. Okay, I am so impressed that you are still scrapbooking! Sadly, for me, that has gone by the wayside. I just did a post from my grandson's first birthday - I had taken over 200 photos for heaven's sake! THAT wouldn't have happened before the digital age.

    These pics of the kids are darling! I'm super jealous of your tradition of scrap and spa with girlfriends. Sounds like SO much fun!!!


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