Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Wordless Wednesday - Photo Bomb

My son's favorite park is Epcot because he LOVES the Japan Pavilion.  This is because their shop has TONS of Pokemon items.  He has LOVED Pokemon since he pre-school. 
 I had Ian sit outside in front of their huge Pokemon display so I could take a photo. 
Jeff took Lily inside the shop to start looking around.  That's when Jeff got the bright idea he should photo bomb Ian.
Mission accomplished.  :)

(Lily loves the shop, too.  Her favorite is Choco Cat...funny because when my sister and I were younger we loved Hello Kitty and the rest of her other friends, too.)

For more WW check out 5 Minutes for Mom, Seven Clown Circus,  Parenting by Dummies, Project Alicia, The InfoMouse , Focused on the Magic & Fresh Mommy

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  1. What a fun group of photos! So this is where I should admit that you are the second person this week that has mentioned that store in Japan. I have never gone in it and now will make a point to next trip.

  2. These pictures are just too much fun. I LOVE your son's reaction!

  3. Nothing like being photo bombed by your dad and sister! haha I love it!

  4. My favorite out of that group of pictures is the shot of him laughing! It's great seeing pictures with true joy & laughter :)

  5. Great pics, I love the Photo Bomb. They look like they were having so much fun

  6. Cute pictures! And the Japan store is a lot of fun, they have lots of great stuff there!

  7. What a fun photo bomb series! Thanks for sharing!

  8. Love the expressions on your son's face. Great series of pics!

  9. That's too funny! Great way to really capture a memory!


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