Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Wordful Wednesday - Magical

Every time we go to Disney as a family, I pre-order the Photopass CD.  Throughout our trip I try and get as many photos of us taken as possible by their photographers.  It's the only souvenir I really want.  I fiddled with the photos and ordered my CD a couple weeks ago.  It came last week.  YAY!

Dreaming of sunnier warmer weather.  :)

For more WW check out 5 Minutes for Mom, Seven Clown Circus,  Parenting by Dummies, Project Alicia, The InfoMouse , Focused on the Magic & Fresh Mommy.  

My Signature


  1. Beautiful family :)You are right, Photopass CD is the best souvenier.

  2. I do the same thing every trip and wish they had this when the boys where small! Love the family photo.

  3. Love love love it!! I'm going to have to do that when we finally take the kids to Disney - thanks for the tip! ;)

    Signs of Creativity with a MacGyver Twist

  4. Love it! Looking forward to some of that nice sunny weather! Thanks for sharing and for joining in on the DWW Blog Hop fun today!

  5. Great family photo. PhotoPass really is one of the best deals out there. It allows you not to stress and make sure you get everyone in photos together.

  6. Oswald ears! Love them :) Great pic of your family. I agree, PhotoPass is fantastic. It's the only way I can prove that I was in the parks with my family!

  7. Such a beautiful family pic!

  8. Love it! I do the Photo Pass when we go, too, but I don't always order all the pics. I look once I get back and order the ones I want.


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