Friday, February 8, 2013

Winter Wonderland

One week down!  Doing Happy Dance.  (If you don't know what I am talking about, you can read more about my new job here.)  Everyone is still adjusting here.  The day I gave birth to my son was the last full time, regular paying job I had.  I have had a couple part time jobs and my Whimsical Creations business since, but not a full time job for an employer.  Now that the kids are both in school, I am very happy to be back in the workforce.  It doesn't hurt that I telecommute.  :)

Telecommuting, I saw this outside my window today....
It has been a winter wonderland here all day.
At times it was snowing pretty hard.  It was heavy wet snow.
It was the kind of snow that stuck to the trees. 
How is the weather where you live?

Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

My Signature


  1. I WISH we had snow! It's been in the 50s here. We're going out of town this weekend, and I've packed warmer weather clothes. It just doesn't feel right....

  2. Nemo is just pushing his way out now, so we're working on digging out.


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