Sunday, February 3, 2013

Sunday Citar - New Paths

"We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we're curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths." ~ Walt Disney

Last year I wrote about my husband's new adventure when he completely changed career paths and became a Jr. Developer.  The last year has been fantastic.  He absolutely LOVES his job.  The company and the people he works with are wonderful  Happy daddy = Happy family.

Well, I have been given the opportunity to change my own professional career path.  The opportunity arose for me to work for the same company as a Jr Developer (the same job as my husband) and I had to take it.  Computer coding isn't completely foreign to me.  You see before my husband even thought of coding, I already knew a bunch.  I had to take a few coding classes in college (I have a AAS in Engineering) and have learned even more while writing this blog.  I still have a ton to learn, too.  I am so excited for this opportunity for me and our family.  Over the last month, I have been training with my husband and this past Friday I officially started. 

"So what is going to happen to the little old clay shop?" you ask.

If you follow me over on my facebook page, you already know I changed how I am taking orders.  Last month I was only open for about a week taking Valentine orders.  Then I closed up, made all of the orders and mailed everyone's packages at once.  Part of the reason I did that was because we took a ''surprise vacation'' and I was training with my husband.  I loved how it worked out so I will probably be doing the same type of thing every month.  I will be creating a few new new items each month and then posting them along with a few old favorites in my shop.  I will also be holding Ready To Ship days over on my facebook fan page.

Here is to new opportunities and paths!  :)

My Signature


  1. Best of luck with everything and I hope lots of new doors open up!

  2. Congratulations and best of luck to you!

  3. Congratulations on your new job!!


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