Friday, February 1, 2013


"Yes, my child, but like all dreams, well, I'm afraid this can't last forever. You have only until midnight, and..." - Fairy Godmother
Cinderella is one of my favorite Disney movies.  It reminds me of my grandmother (my mom's mom).  She used to sing the songs while working in the kitchen.  Hearing those songs to this day makes me smile.

This is the 1st time we stopped to see the Fairy Godmother.  This woman was AWESOME!!!!
It feels like it was yesterday we were wearing shorts and the sun was kissing our faces.  After watching the weather report tonight, it said we could get up to a foot of snow by tomorrow night.  Um, yeah...dreaming of moving to Florida! 

Crossing fingers and toes the snow stays south of the city!
My Signature


  1. OH my gosh, she looks so friendly and perfect. I want her to be my fairy godmother too! So cute. :)

  2. We passed her by the castle when we were there last August and neither of the boys wanted to stop for a photo with her LOL.


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