Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Wordful Wednesday - All County

Last Saturday morning we took Ian to try out for All County Band.
He was SO nervous...
We knew he would most likely not make it, but that was ok.  Erie County Band is very competitive.  It is a great experience.  If he wants to keep doing it he knows what to expect next time.  We waited for his results and he received a 97 96. (oops I was wrong)

Edited to add-  While Ian did fantastic, he did not make it.  :)

For more WW check out 5 Minutes for Mom, Seven Clown Circus  Parenting by Dummies, Project Alicia, The InfoMouse , Focused on the Magic & Fresh Mommy.
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  1. A 97 is great, so does that mean he got in?

  2. I was thinking that too. Did he make it?

    Nice photos. Happy WW!

  3. He did not get in this year. Sorry, I could not reply to your comments (you guys have

  4. So I don't know what's going on, but you're like the sixth person as to I'm getting your e-mail regarding this post a day late. I never noticed it before so I don't know how long its been going on. Just thought I'd tell you,


I am thankful for each and every one of your comments! I try and respond to each one and check out all your blogs. =D