Monday, January 7, 2013

Lego Figure Display

While looking around Pinterest awhile ago I found this idea to display Lego Figures.  Gotta love Pinterest.  When we went to Disney over the summer, I bought some single 2x4 bricks with the intention of making one for Ian. Fast forward a few months and I finally made it 2 days before Christmas.  It was super easy and didn't take that long.

For this project I used...
11x14 Frame (purchased at AC Moore)
30 Lego Bricks (I used 2x4 pieces, you could use smaller 2x4 ones, too)
Poster Paper (dollar store)

I first played around with placement and asked Ian what he thought.  I also had him bring down a couple figures he wanted to display on it. 
Ian only wanted 3 lines of single bricks and 1 long one along the bottom.  He was excited he could display his bigger special pieces along with the others.
Once I figured out where I wanted the pieces I glued the legos with E6000 directly to the glass.  I glued the legos directly to the glass instead of the poster paper, because I thought it would stand up over time better.  I knew Ian will be taking the figures off once in a while and didn't want him ripping the paper.  I also glued the long piece together first before I glued it to the glass.  Then I cut a piece of poster board down to size (using the mat that was provided as a template) to place behind the glass. 

Ian is very happy he can display his special Lego Figures now. 

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  1. What a cute idea! Both of my boys love Legos, but they wouldn't let their minifigures be displayed for too long, though. They'd be dying to play with them :)

  2. This is such a good idea, I can't wait to make one with my littlest guy. We have so many Legos!

  3. I love it! So many of our Lego creations end up pulled apart in big bins. This is such a nice way to display them!
    -Ana from

  4. This is a GREAT idea! Something I wish I had seen when my boys were younger. I'd love you participate in my Pin Me Linky Party. I allow up to 3 links each week!

  5. This is so cute! My daughter is starting to get into Legos pretty hardcore right now and she would absolutely LOVE something like this!

  6. WHat a great idea. Thanks for sharing. I like how they can dsiplay but still play with them too.

  7. This is such a great idea! My kids would love something like this. Thanks so much for sharing!

  8. LOVE this! I have three boys and I'm in desperate need to organize their millions of Legos. I like how their toys can double as decor/ art work. Thanks for sharing. Have a great day!

  9. That is the CUTEST idea! I'm gonna pin it!

  10. My twins love buying the lego mini-figures. This is a great idea to display them! Pinning this now.

  11. So cute! What a great way to display those precious LEGO pieces...and even better, you can change them up as interests change!

  12. I am happy too! this is so cute and perfect for displaying a collection. thanks for sharing!

  13. This is awesome! We have quite a collection of minifigures and this is such a good way to enjoy them. Thanks for sharing.

  14. Great boys love legos! We would love for you to share this to our Kitchen Fun and Crafty link party!

  15. Very good idea and could be adapted to all kinds of things. Thanks for the tutorial also. Linda

  16. Neat idea! I can see creating a whole lego themed room base on this concept!

  17. Love this, my boys would love to have this in their room. Stopping by from Pin Me :)

  18. What a fantastic idea! We have lots of these, especially Star Wars ones, and this is such a nice way to display them. Thanks so much for linking up at Printabelle.

  19. Amazing idea, have pinned for later! (found on Pin Me link party.


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