Sunday, January 20, 2013

Dress #5 - Castle & Princesses

Tuesday I shared these dresses.  Today is...

Last but not least...
Day 5 - Dress 5

My mom made this dress out of a pillowcase she found at goodwill.  Have you ever found anything great at goodwill?  My mom finds things all the time.
And the back...
So pretty!
 The sleeves and the bottom band is made with a pink sparkly fabric.
That is the last of the 5 dresses my mom made.  Which one is your favorite?

Here is a recap...
Day 1 - Dress 1
Day 2 - Dress 2
Day 3 - Dress 3
Day 4 - Dress 4
Day 5 - Dress 5

My Signature


  1. So so cute! I love dress 4!!

  2. I LOVE dress # 4,but they're all adorable :)

  3. Your mom is something else! I think my favorite was #4!

  4. My little Libby would LOVE this!


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