Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Material, Patterns & an Obsession.

I am at it again....
I found this really cute Disney Princess fabric & cute dress pattern at JoAnn's Black Friday weekend (LOVE great coupons) and have sent it along with some more cute mini pom pom fringe I got from pick your plum to my mom.

I can not wait to see what she comes up with!  :D

PS - Thank you mom for making things for me.  I truly appreciate it.  LOVE you lots!  :)
My Signature


  1. Oh I wish I knew how to sew and create things like this! I have several family and friends who are super talented. I envy their skill!

  2. Oh I wish I knew how to sew and create things like this! I have several family and friends who are super talented. I envy their skill!

  3. Your mom works Disney magic, so I can't wait either!

  4. I used to sew, but it's been years. Make sure you post "after" photos.....


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