Thursday, November 15, 2012

What I Did Wednesday

Yep, I know it's Thursday.  I just thought I would share what I did Wednesday though.

I spent yesterday sorting, photographing, packaging & mailing all of this.  All while listening to Lily repeat, "mom, can you help me blow my nose?"  My little one is sick and stayed home from school yesterday.  Ian started this cold last week and now Lily has it.  Hopefully Jeff & I will be spared.

PS...the photo above was all made after I mailed this batch on Saturday...

My Signature


  1. Does that take you all day long to make so many?

  2. Those owl ones are really adorable. My kids would like the Ninjago ones!

  3. so cute... how big are those that look like sugar cookies with the characters on them?... I love those!


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