Friday, November 23, 2012

Dear So & So Friday

Dear Jeff,
Thank you so much for being such an awesome husband!  I am grateful for everything you do for me and our family.  
LOVE you!  Your sickly wife.

Dear Bob & Kris,
Thank you for a wonderful Thanksgiving feast.  We had a great time.
Love - Melanie, Jeff, Ian & Lily

Dear Mom, Dad, Heidi, Vincent & the girls,
Miss you guys!  Hope you all had a good holiday.  
Love your WNY family

Dear Lily & Ian,
Thank you for sharing your cold with me.  :(
Your mommy coughing up a lung.

Dear body,
You have no time to be sick!
Get better quicker!
Me blowing my nose for the millionth time.

Dear Cold,
Good BYE!  
Melanie's exhausted body

Dear Kara,
Your cousins don't like eating the 'fancy' food either.  ;)
Love you to bits!

Dear Mia,
Sorry to hear you are feeling yucky.  Hope you feel better soon!
Love you to bits, too!!

Dear Neighbor,
Sorry the chairs you put by the bushes didn't work, your dog still got in our yard. The 10piles of dog crap we picked up last Saturday + stepping in 2 piles + $50 of netting we bought and put in the bushes because you can not put your dogs on a leash = really MAD neighbors. Grrr!

Dear Customers,
I am thankful for being so blessed with awesome customers like you.  
Thank you so much!

And because I really like photos in my posts, here is a photo of a custom ornament I made this week.

My Signature


  1. That's a darling little ornament you made for someone! I hope you feel better soon!!!!!!

  2. LOVE the ornament!! We're HUGE Disney fans, so I kind of wish I had one for each of my kids right now.

  3. Oh my ... I didn't see this post! I am DYING at the cuteness of that little Disney girl! Holy cow, she so stinking cute!

    (I have neighbor issues too. Roots, leaves, and sticks from there massive "weed" trees ... they make my yard a hideous mess!)


I am thankful for each and every one of your comments! I try and respond to each one and check out all your blogs. =D