Thursday, September 20, 2012

$25 Pick Your Plum Giveaway

I am super excited to be hosting this giveaway.

I am a HUGE fan of  Pick Your Plum myself.
I am actually one of their faithful daily visitors.
I love to snag deals before my neighbor (and have even told my neighbor about some really good deals they might want themselves).

Lily's Merida skirt, pictured here, has pom pom fringe that was one of their daily deals.   

About Pick Your Plum:

Have you ever glued your fingers together trying to put a project together? Stayed up all night just to finish that last project before your kids wake up? Gussied up your home just so the neighbors could gawk over your detail? Borrowed an idea from the store knowing you can make one too?

We have. We know. Join us.
Get it before your neighbor does:
  • We have limited supplies on some of the most swank supplies. We have agents out in the field who find killer deals on high quality products.
  • We post one time a day Monday-Friday at 7 am (MST).
  • We delicately slap prime-o pricing on crafting, clothing, baking supplies, home decor and other fabulous finds.  Stellar pricing.  Cool.
  • We sell it 'til it's gone or 'til time is up.
  • You leave feeling like you just won Martha in a crafting contest.
  • The supplies arrive in 7-8 shipping days and you've just picked your 'plum'! Doesn't it feel good?

Sign up for Instant Alerts so you always know 'The Deal'.  Don't blame us if you overdose. We only sell products we would use ourselves. We enjoy quality.

Here are some more goodies they have had lately...

You can follow Pick Your Plum here:

Now for the giveaway.

One lucky reader will win a $25 Plum Box full of swank crafting, fashion, baking, and home decor swag!
(products may vary and open to US residents only)

Rafflecopter will walk you through all the ways to enter.  Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway
My Signature


  1. I order all the time! I SO want this!

  2. I love Pick your Plum!!! I have ordered paper straws, clothe organizer, and washi tape!

  3. I love PYP. I check them daily, and i've ordered from them as well

  4. I love Pick Your Plum. I recently bought the mini journal books and the mini pom pom trim.

  5. I've never heard of Pick Your Plum until this post....and now I'm hooked. :)

  6. I've never ordered anything...yet. If I win this, it may start something :)

  7. So fun Melanie! They're awesome!

  8. Thank you for the giveaway opportunity. Unfortunately I have never been able to get my order to go through. I keep meaning to email them...thank you for the giveaway opportunity. I invite you to add your sweet giveaway to my Win It page. xo P.S. do id you enter my giveaway?

  9. I haven't before but my sister has

  10. I've never gotten anything from them before, but would love to see what they offer!

  11. I have Never purchased from them before. I will be checking them out all the time now!! Thanks!

  12. LOVE them!!! A bunch of my scrapping friends and I team up and place orders together! Great stuff, great service!

  13. I haven't brought anything before, but I'm guessing that will change.

  14. their shipping is so high that orders end up totaling the same as if you bought from any regular site...not sure what the hooha is...

  15. I just purchased some twine tonight. I'm so excited, and can't wait for them to come in the mail!!

  16. I am planning two weddings for family members and this website is a new gem to me! I'm sure some great things for the weddings will appear from this website!~ Thanks for the lead!

    Megan Weber

  17. Yes, I found the cutest little leggings for my niece!

  18. I just did my first time this week. I got some twine and can't wait to get it!
    moosgoos99 at aol dot com


I am thankful for each and every one of your comments! I try and respond to each one and check out all your blogs. =D