Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Take Me Back Tuesday & Flashback Friday

Dec. 2006

Yesterday was her birthday. I am feeling a bit nostalgic this week.

A Giveaway Addicted Mommy

You can participate and/or check out other Take Me Back Tuesday posts at A Giveaway Addicted Mommy.

You can participate and/or check out other Flashback Friday posts at Christopher And Tia's blog.

I have a favor to ask of my blog readers. I entered my swirly santa ornament in the Michaels Handmade Holiday Contest. I would LOVE to win. (who wouldn't?) Would you please go here and give me 5 snowmen. No need to register...just click through and click 5 snowman (under the picture of my santa click on the last snowman). Thanks a bunch!!

Please note: You can vote once a day.

My Signature


  1. That photo *almost* makes me want another baby. :) Happy Birthday sweet Lily!

  2. Oh my, how precious is she in that picture! I just love her little dress too! I tend to get nostalgic too about the kids, they just are growing up so darn fast!

  3. Oh.... she was and still is just precious. What a sweet little girl you've been blessed with.

  4. She is the sweetest! She is sleeping with a smile on her face and looks like a little angel.
    Happy Birthday Lily!

  5. What a doll! Doesn't it just break your heart they grow so fast. Happy Belated birthday to her!

  6. So sweet! Happy Birthday Lily!

    (I voted for you too...)

  7. Time flies way too fast. While I wish they could stay little forever, I wouldn't want to miss all the moments you experience as they grow. Sounds like a good excuse for someone to hurry up and invent a time machine so we really can be "taken back" to those days that all they needed was to be held and loved - and they let you!

  8. What a tiny little darling!!!!

  9. Ohhhhhhh, look at that sweet baby. I hope she had a fabulous bday!

  10. Happy birthday Lily! She is looking so sweet!!!!!!!!!!!!


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